In 2008, a small group of parents decided it was important for all of us to watch out for each other and encourage residents and business members of the community, young, old, and in-between, to be aware of our surroundings.
Paypal link...
For donations for any of the GRNW events, Sell-A-Bration, fund raising, etc., please follow the instructions below:
> Click on Paypal button below
> You will directed to a separate page w/Paypal (which allows you to have this page open to follow instructions)
> Sign into Paypal (it is a secured site so nothing to worry about)
> Select "Send or Request Money"
> Select "Send money"
> Type in [email protected] as the address you will be paying
> Click "Next"
> Enter the amount you are paying
> Indicate what it is for in the "Add a Note" section (example: "1 table for Sell-a-Bration" etc)
> Click "Continue"
> Click "Send Payments Now"
> You are done. Logout of Paypal
> Click on Paypal button below
> You will directed to a separate page w/Paypal (which allows you to have this page open to follow instructions)
> Sign into Paypal (it is a secured site so nothing to worry about)
> Select "Send or Request Money"
> Select "Send money"
> Type in [email protected] as the address you will be paying
> Click "Next"
> Enter the amount you are paying
> Indicate what it is for in the "Add a Note" section (example: "1 table for Sell-a-Bration" etc)
> Click "Continue"
> Click "Send Payments Now"
> You are done. Logout of Paypal
GRNW on Facebook
The GRNW is up and active on Facebook with over 12,300 "Likes". Our Facebook page provides quick + factual updates on events, general info and neighborhood news. If you haven't already, "Like" us on Facebook today by clicking on the link below.
GRNW YouTube page
The GRNW has a YouTube page. Click here to access our page that contains various videos including community events, etc.
GRNW Instagram
site last updated 01/04/2025